Orders for Protection/
Restraining Orders
When you have been the victim of domestic abuse or harassment (Petitioner), or you have been accused of domestic abuse or harassment (Respondent), Midwest Family Law can help you navigate the process for which an Order for Protection or Harassment Restraining Order may be pursued. There are three options for proceeding in such legal actions: (1) the Respondent may admit to the allegations of domestic abuse or harassment, in which an Order for Protection or Harassment Restraining Order will automatically be issued and the Court will find that Respondent committed domestic abuse and/or harassment; (2) the Respondent can neither admit or deny the allegations, but agree to enter into the Order for Protection or Harassment Restraining Order without having the Court find that Respondent committed any domestic abuse and/or harassment; or (3) the Respondent denies the allegations and requests the right to address the allegations in a trial. Contact Jenna today for a free initial consultation to discuss which option is best for you.